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DSDT Reading Intervention – Resources

Our Reading Intervention
Helping your child at home and school

The background

Reading intervention is based on the proven whole word reading techniques used by renowned organisations such as DSE in the UK and the Institute of Human Potential in the USA.

These techniques are currently recognised as the best-practice method of teaching children with Down Syndrome how to read and how to develop speech and language skills.

How it works

We know that learning to read is a complex process involving word recognition and language understanding. Flashcards are proven to enhance speech development in children with Down syndrome.

The DSDT have expanded this understanding to supply each reader with extra resources that play a very important role in developing and improving reading fluency.



The Oxford Reading Tree (ORT)

Oxford Reading Tree - Up You Go
The books progress through each stage of reading.
P.s. Look out for the odd bit of humour added especially for parents and care-givers!

We follow the ORT’s Biff, Chip & Kipper stories.

The ORT is used throughout all primary schools for pupils first starting out to read. The stories follow the adventures of three children called Biff, Chip and Kipper. The stories are engaging and well-loved, the simple but characterful drawings capture the essence of each story.

Find Oxford Reading Tree books

Find out more about Oxford Reading Tree books at Oxford Owl, part of Oxford University Press. You can also find the books to purchase on Amazon.

Oxford Owl, part of Oxford University Press.

Oxford Reading Tree Books

Find out more about the ORT books.

Learn more here

DSDT downloads

Each download listed in Levels One - Four below, comprises of enlarged font sentence strips and word flashcards to use alongside the corresponding Oxford Reading Tree book - please note we do not supply the books, they are to be purchased separately.

The Down Syndrome Development Trust ask for a small donation of £2.50 to the charity to cover the reading intervention development costs. If you wish you can make a smaller or larger donation.

ORT Sentence Strips and Flashwords

Purchase your resources here: