We Need You!
We need your support as there are many people living with DS and so few resources supporting them. Our work depends on the free giving of families, friends, companies and charitable foundations. You can raise funds in many ways and those funds are vital to our work. To plan an event you may need insurance cover and a risk assessment, see below.
Individual fundraising ideas
A to Z of fundraising ideas
A is for: auction of promises, aerobics, aromatherapy evening, assault course, afternoon tea, arts & crafts
B is for: bring a pound to work or school, bungee jumping, bad tie day, bingo, beard shaving, black tie ball, bike ride, boat race, balloon race, bowling night, book sale, BBQ, barn dance, Burns night, beauty evening, Bond night, bed race, bring and buy sale, bag packing at supermarkets and bad hair day!
C is for: car wash, car boot sale, cake stall, carol singing, cricket match, calendars, concert, car treasure hunt, casino evening, craft fair, children’s party, classic car show, Christmas fete, collecting tins and buckets, coffee morning and chocoholics event
D is for: donating! Dress down day, dog show, darts, dinner, dance, disco, dog dancing competition, dog Frisbee event and duck race
E is for: Easter egg tombola, Easter egg hunt, email, eyebrows (sponsored shave!), entrance fee, and entertainment
F is for: firewalking, frisbee competition, fashion show, football tournament, fasting, fancy dress, flower show, film nights, face painting, fireworks and foreign coins
G is for: golf days, garage sale, garden open days, ‘guess the’ games, gardening, glamorous granny competition, go-karting, gyms and Gift Aid
H is for: hook a duck, Halloween party, horse riding, hot air balloon, half marathons and hypnotist
I is for: Indian restaurants, it’s a knockout, inflatable’s, ironing and indoor bowls clubs
J is for: jar of pennies, jewellery recycling, jail break, jokes, jams, jogging, jumble sale, jewellery making and ‘justgiving.com’
K is for: keeping fit, kissing and karaoke evening
L is for: loose change, line dancing, live music, ladies night, left handed day and losing weight
M is for: matched giving, murder mystery evening, masked ball, mile of pennies, mascot race, market stall, music event, mini Olympics and marathons
N is for: no smoking challenge, no chocolate challenge, night clubs, non-uniform day and newspapers
O is for: organising an event, opera night, outward bound courses and on-line fundraising (justgiving.com)
P is for: publicity (we can help!), pub quiz, party, penny jar, pub crawl, pram race, panto, paint balling, pub games, pub fun day and pet shows
Q is for: quiz nights – amazingly popular events that are a great way to raise funds!
R is for: running, rowing, riding, raffles, race nights recycling (phones, jewellery, printer cartridges etc), refreshments, radio and rugby
S is for: sponsoring, swimming, singing, slimming, shows, static cycles, Santa’s grotto, scavenger hunt, street collections (get permission first!), sponsored silence, swear box, sixties night and supermarket collections
T is for: table top sale, treasure hunt, trolley dash, themed parties, trolley tokens, talent competition, tombola, toy sale, tug of war, ten pin bowling and teddy bear picnic
U is for: unwanted gifts and uniform day (or non-uniform),
V is for: video night in and variety show
W is for: waxing, walking, wine and cheese, washing cars, wellie throwing and wine tasting
X is for: X-Factor! Xmas hamper and Xmas fayre
Y is for: yard of ale, yoyo competition and YES! You can do it!
… and Z is for: Zodiac evening
A model risk assessment for planning event.
Here you can download a model risk assessment form (Adobe PDF) based on the Health & Safety Executive’s 5 steps approach.
Logos for your event
Download Down Syndrome Development Trust logo’s here (Adobe PDF).