DSDT provide a range of consultancy services nationwide for families/carers, other support groups, schools and nurseries.
Remote ‘Achieving Successful Inclusion’ Workshops
Published on :A workshop to explore how to identify the tools and knowledge needed to achieve successful inclusion within a mainstream setting.
DSE Memory Training Results
Published on :Results of a study conducted by researchers at Down Syndrome Education International and published today in the American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
DS Specific Speech and Language Training
Published on :Sign up for the next round 3 day course training for co-workers to run speech and language groups that assist people who have Down syndrome to develop their communication skills.
Co-worker Training – York, 2019
Published on :2019 saw the Down Syndrome Development Trust in partnership with Symbol UK run a 3 day workshop for co-workers.
The training aimed at supporting the communication of children and young people with Down syndrome was a great success.